Resources - Interactive CYOA Creator Tutorial (2024)

Interactive CYOA Creator

  • AvifCyoaCompressor(repo) (post) – By blathers16/bubo_virginianus. A tool that compresses CYOAs massively by converting the images to the .avif or webm format, which supports both regular images and GIFs, dropping the project size anywhere from 30 to 55%.


Some people find that this website's quality slider doesn't work, and may end up increasing the file size. Please make sure to backup any work before using this tool, and compare the project.jsons' file sizes before deciding to upload it1.

  • InteractiveCyoaVerifier(repo) – By blathers16. This is a tool that checks CYOAs too make sure that there are no bugs.
  • dct – By DelicateIntegral. A tool that can process ICC jsons in various ways.

    Some example tasks that it can do on ICC jsons (go to the repo link to get detailed info):

    • Disabling Images.
    • Refreshing Discord links, downloading images to a image folder and updating urls accordingly.
    • Converting Images (image format, image quality can be chosen) when saving after downloading.
    • Changing prefixes of urls/paths of images in json.
    • Converting Base64 embedded images to local images in image folder and updating urls/paths accordingly.
    • Converting images in image folder to Base64 and embedding in json.
  • build.js/build.css – By DelicateIntegral. You can include these two files in your index.html to give users option to save/load/delete builds. Go to this release link to get the zip file containing these two files. To check how it looks, see this live deployment

  • IntCyoaAutosaver – By Name0930. A userscript that automatically saves your CYOAs made with MeanDelay's or Lt. Ouroumov's creator. RegExp Download Organizer can be used with this to automatically sort your downloads folder.

Other Creators

  • CYOA Maker – A creator that builds off of static images
  • CYOA Generator – An AngularJS based web framework for making interactive CYOAs. Preview here.
  • Chickens2's Engine – Engine and development environment for interactive versions of CYOA images
  • CYOA Studio – An open-source static CYOA creator, for those who are less graphically-inclined.
  • CYOAP – An online creator that apparently allows for advanced logic
  • Corrosive-Forge (WIP) – An interactive CYOA maker & viewer made in Rust with the Leptos crate
  • Moirai Interactive by Lt. Ouroumov – An Interactive CYOA Creator. Seemingly inactive
  • Novelette (Unknown status) – Designed as a replacement/successor to the Interactive CYOA Creator, with the ability to play and create visual novels too.


  • r/InteractiveCYOA – A subreddit for Interactive CYOAs. If you make an Interactive, feel free to showcase it here!
  • r/makeyourchoice – The original CYOA subreddit. Interactives are accepted but only if you link the static. If you are creating an original interactive, either export it as a static or create a static manually.
  • r/nsfwcyoa – A subreddit for NSFW CYOAs.


Here are some discord servers that relate to CYOAs and Interactive CYOAs.



Credits to these tutorials and information sources for helping me make this tutorial.

Direct links:

Static CYOAs

Resources primarily for Static CYOAs. May still apply to creating Interactives.




Actual downloadable CYOAs.

  • The Allsync – The Allsync is perhaps the definitive CYOA archive. It contains almost all static CYOAs, taking up a whopping total of 103.7 GB as of writing this.
  • Alternate link.
  • The Blog
  • Patreon – Support the Allsync financially using the official Patreon
  • CYOA (Drive) – A massive NSFW CYOA archive. Claims to have 80% of CYOAs (presumably only NSFW ones). Has 300 folders.
  • TokHaar Gol's CYOAs – This is TokHaar Gol's personal Google Drive with their CYOAs.


Catalogues and links to CYOAs.


Websites where you can post stories made by CYOAs.




  • Google Fonts – Massive fonts list for use in your project.


Other Resources

Programming Resources




  • – Not interactive. One of the best full courses on JavaScript. This tutorial actually inspired me a lot to create this tutorial.
  • freeCodeCamp – A good interactive JavaScript tutorial.
  • W3Schools – A good reference for when you want learn specific parts of the language.



  • Chooseyourownbooru – A booru for CYOAs.
  • CYOA Thread Pasta – Pastebin that provided a lot of information for this page.
  • Some Musings by a CYOA Author – A post by StarDustAnon. It contains musings and advice on how to create CYOAs in general. An excellent read.
  • Interactive CYOA Tools – A home page for aronedwards91's Interactive CYOA Tools.
  • ICCT Static Folder – It's the static/ directory of this tutorial. It contains a couple of useful things to download.
  • ICC Comments – The Interactive CYOA Creator's comments section. Go to this if you can't find help anywhere else. You can also go through this, see if anyone else has had your problem, and see if anyone replied with a solution.
  • General QQ CYOA Thread's Threadmarks – A list of indexes that helped out this page
  1. Credit to Aquagirl2001 on Discord for this.

If you have any questions, concerns, corrections, or anything else, please comment below.
Resources - Interactive CYOA Creator Tutorial (2024)
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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

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Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.